1. 看了黑社會和corpse bride, 很不錯
2. 工作表現達警戒level
3. 扮後生通頂吹水, 元氣大傷
4. $$$啊
5. ipod來了, 狂聽舊碟, 心緒不寧
The Grasshoppers
1. 好多唔同類型的人睇,由斯文中年女士至肌肉姣男亦有
2. 以為自己已經好懷舊下,原來好多歌唔識
3. show前睇左報紙,見到半裸dancers同同性互咀無左驚喜
4. 雖然佢地一向唔係歌藝掛帥,但係成晚又唱又跳仍然應付有餘仲完全無走音,其實幾勁
5. dj remus (!!!) 真係好大隻
6. 歲月燃燒 - 想起小學五年級教育營
7. 充斥難頂老套對白,但係感覺唔難受 - sadie講的純粹的camp
8. encore快歌medley全民高漲狂high
9. 一直拍掌唔q記得左影相
儲埋一次晒冷,過幾年又太老,哩個show對草蜢來講睇怕係空前絕後。有幸見証,thanks son姐。
1. 好多唔同類型的人睇,由斯文中年女士至肌肉姣男亦有
2. 以為自己已經好懷舊下,原來好多歌唔識
3. show前睇左報紙,見到半裸dancers同同性互咀無左驚喜
4. 雖然佢地一向唔係歌藝掛帥,但係成晚又唱又跳仍然應付有餘仲完全無走音,其實幾勁
5. dj remus (!!!) 真係好大隻
6. 歲月燃燒 - 想起小學五年級教育營
7. 充斥難頂老套對白,但係感覺唔難受 - sadie講的純粹的camp
8. encore快歌medley全民高漲狂high
9. 一直拍掌唔q記得左影相
儲埋一次晒冷,過幾年又太老,哩個show對草蜢來講睇怕係空前絕後。有幸見証,thanks son姐。
Atlanta Hawks' Jason Collier died of a heart attack at 28. This is really a very shocking piece of news and I feel really sorry about it. I never saw him play actually. It was the fact that he was an athelete made me upset. How fragile life is when a young guy in outstanding physical condition would have a massive heart attack out of sudden.
Plus he looked like a very nice guy.
In the new NBA Live 06 he's the first guy in the players list. "Atlanta" starts with A so its the first team on the screen and Collier was at the top of the line-up. So when you click the Roster Management part, his photo would actually be the first one you see. Even if he was already gone.
Rest In Peace.
Plus he looked like a very nice guy.
In the new NBA Live 06 he's the first guy in the players list. "Atlanta" starts with A so its the first team on the screen and Collier was at the top of the line-up. So when you click the Roster Management part, his photo would actually be the first one you see. Even if he was already gone.
Rest In Peace.
Went to Saikung again and stopped by Terra's place. Bought de Botton's Essays in Love and Golding's Lord of the Flies for HK$48. I think I should donate some books in the next visit.
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