

這兩日也有到灣仔去 -- 閣下可姑且標籤我為湊熱鬧的好事之徒,但平日在報紙國際版方會看到的,有機會我真的想見證一下。

有幸吸入微量tear gas,一嘗做暴民滋味。


17/12/2005 告士打道 7:00pm

18/12/2005 會展場外 5:30pm


An answer to our democracy

【明報專訊】......... 許崇德昨於北京接受本港記者採訪時說﹕「香港人喜熱鬧,動不動就是幾萬人,幾十萬人的……我覺得問題要這樣看﹕你是掌握真理,那麼即使你是少數人,就算只是兩三個人出來,你的意見人家還是尊重的,假如你不掌握真理,就算是幾萬人,幾十萬人,他也不是掌握真理,對吧﹖……天塌不下來,地也陷不下去。」

這段話真的很發人深省 - 原來有些人根本無「民主」這concept。可能是我消極,但雞同鴨講,不如省了。五千年文化,小小選舉也要勞師動眾爭取,引發各黨各派喧鬧不堪,為什麼??? 就是因為幾萬人,幾十萬人,也不是掌握真理。the truth is out there,當真理就在何鴻燊胡應湘曾鈺成之流手上,五千年開得了花,再過五千年還未必能結果。


兩僅存再造紙廠 其一結業






該公司對本報證實,紙廠原本由3間持份公司共同擁有,其中一間、即創辦紙廠的股東Pacific Millennium於今年8月將所有股份售予International Paper,改組後的新公司鑑於紙廠業績不理想,已決定結束營業。據悉,紙廠員工約有80多人,暫未知去向如何。



一直以來,我從來未感到政府對環保做過甚麼。 回收工業一直缺乏支持,很多環保政策亦一直流於齋講。 教育方面更不堪提,拍些廣告,委任些明星做環保之星教你分辨回收箱顏色,年復年。回收園和數碼港名字剛好配成一雙,希望下場不會一樣。





隔鄰的觀眾位位手機都有三百萬象素相機,我果部三萬都唔知有無。盲目追求nokia摺機的結果竟要在這刻承受。 Shit!!!

整晚其實有甚多蝦碌位,但歌者的演繹仍然一貫殺晒。有些甚冷門的歌我都唔太識,但場內不乏一字不漏由頭唱到尾的支持者。有唱<長街的一角>,<微雨撲巴黎>,還有<再生戀> - 有幸親耳聽見縱別離後都居於熾熱唇上



我想我喜愛她出於很多原因。林憶蓮的聲線是無敵的 – 是會聽得打冷震的那種,有東方女性的婉約,但唱快歌亦有獨特的爆發力。而且她又跳得,又可以型。入行二十年一直轉換型象,由青春dj至都市女性直到今日成為品味象徵,都找對了位置。這漫長的transition實在是一門太高深的學問: 看看今日的劉天王郭天王。 容祖兒十年後又會如何??? 對我而言,只有林憶蓮值得我繼續期待。而且,她還包含了我對過去的眷戀 – dick lee,林振強,還有百花齊放齊放的景象。

幾個月前在地鐵站看見jet會有她的專題,立即付款買了細讀,原來內容相當流。其中一篇訪問郭啟華,內有他這麼一句:?只有憶蓮,能夠成為本地經典的gay icon。?從昨晚入座觀眾看來,他的話似乎不假。厲害。世界大同。

雖然昨晚的concert不是太好而且可以預期之後幾晚會有明顯改善,但我亦無話抵唔抵 – 聽聽她的招牌氣聲,看看她,也就足夠。陳輝虹真係幸福。



1. 看了黑社會corpse bride, 很不錯
2. 工作表現達警戒level
3. 扮後生通頂吹水, 元氣大傷
4. $$$啊
5. ipod來了, 狂聽舊碟, 心緒不寧


The Grasshoppers


1. 好多唔同類型的人睇,由斯文中年女士至肌肉姣男亦有
2. 以為自己已經好懷舊下,原來好多歌唔識
3. show前睇左報紙,見到半裸dancers同同性互咀無左驚喜
4. 雖然佢地一向唔係歌藝掛帥,但係成晚又唱又跳仍然應付有餘仲完全無走音,其實幾勁
5. dj remus (!!!) 真係好大隻
6. 歲月燃燒 - 想起小學五年級教育營
7. 充斥難頂老套對白,但係感覺唔難受 - sadie講的純粹的camp
8. encore快歌medley全民高漲狂high
9. 一直拍掌唔q記得左影相

儲埋一次晒冷,過幾年又太老,哩個show對草蜢來講睇怕係空前絕後。有幸見証,thanks son姐。



Atlanta Hawks' Jason Collier died of a heart attack at 28. This is really a very shocking piece of news and I feel really sorry about it. I never saw him play actually. It was the fact that he was an athelete made me upset. How fragile life is when a young guy in outstanding physical condition would have a massive heart attack out of sudden.

Plus he looked like a very nice guy.

In the new NBA Live 06 he's the first guy in the players list. "Atlanta" starts with A so its the first team on the screen and Collier was at the top of the line-up. So when you click the Roster Management part, his photo would actually be the first one you see. Even if he was already gone.

Rest In Peace.



Went to Saikung again and stopped by Terra's place. Bought de Botton's Essays in Love and Golding's Lord of the Flies for HK$48. I think I should donate some books in the next visit.



Beyond 農民




忘掉命裡是否 悲與喜


一天加一天 每分耕種 汗與血
粒粒皆辛酸 永不改變 人定勝天














這陣子和同grade的同事training,又是做回學生的感覺。午飯去lunch k,放工去打乒乓波。某女同事穿高跟鞋仍摧枯拉朽大敗餘人,值得記下。離開前憑欄俯瞰灣仔場旁努力練水的健兒,忽然感慨。

乒乓球似乎是很多人小學生年代的狂熱,當年我們會斥巨資購買波板及大量accessories,和嘗試不斷增進自己的球技。記得那年亞記有套電視劇叫乒乓,由陶大宇主演。可惜劇中女子國家隊代表球賽中穿的是一對air jordan xii(而且係高筒),而陶君臨尾所用之必殺技竟然係自轉360度抽波,好野。可見atv之弱勢乃多年來製作不認真之故。




放工和中學朋友one on one食飯,入u後處境相近的我倆話題離不開工作和同學近況。這幾年來彼此也變了很多。與其話妥協,我覺得反而是大家已較清楚自己的位置。無論如何,很為他工作愈加順利高興。

昨夜放工唱k,感覺不錯。新歌舊歌中徹底釋放。精選: <獨自去偷歡>,<特別快車>。







ad hoc tasks/chitchatting with colleagues
lunch with friends
flipping through magazines in Bookazine/listening to new music in HMV
ad hoc tasks/chitchatting with colleagues
dinner at home/meeting up friends/hanging out with girlfriend

I like that.



1. 大部分楊千嬅歌詞
2. 過去三年大部分本地報紙新聞標題
3. 全部商台宣傳口號



1. Saw an anti-Disneyland campaign in Mongkok today after the Disneyland visit yesterday. However what I concern most is what they would be able to do when everything is already in place. Their webpage: http://disney.no-ip.com/

2. 買左旺福誌.



Spent a whole day in the Hongkong Disneyland. Like work, I had to get up early and squeeze into fully packed MTR trains. Bumped into some friends there, and a lot of schoolmates, some colleagues also. The visit turned out to be very physical. It was really exhausting walking here and there, and waiting in lines all day. The sun was shining bright and so the air was in a sweaty smell.

Still having such a theme park in Hongkong is amazing. The trip also reminded me that Walt disney had indeed created a lot of classics, and dreams.







* * *



流動的心情書店 flow organic bookshop
1/f, No 16, Wan King Path,
In the Square, Sai Kung Town
Opening hours: Sat/Sun 12:00 - 18:00



適逢星加坡朋友來港工幹,一班UC EAPers又有機會聚一聚。畢竟我們曾經愜意地朝夕相對,所以別有一種特別的連繫。

我應不應該為了Jur破戒,製造廢物??? 呵呵呵。



Been having a huge desire in shopping recently. Wandered around in Allied Plaza yesterday and was surprised to find there's a shop selling Abercrombie & Fitch. Spent some money and time inside and had a nice chat with the lady there. That was the first time I felt it could be quite enjoyable and profitable running a business in those mini-malls where competition seemed extremely intense.

When I was in my teenage I craved for a pair of Dr. Marten's short boots with those thin golden thread. Then they faded and faded, and now even vanished. Yet I still find them really cool with a pair of jeans. You could know me well from this I think.

* * *

I have been repeating that I long for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the movie since the day I knew it would be made by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. I would like to apologize to my friends that went through all those. However it really surprised my that most of them seemed never heard of or read this little book. Come on it's Roald Dahl!!! And Quentin Blake!!! Aren't kids supposed to love them??? My conclusion is I have been a paranoid since I was a kid.

朱古力獎門人。I think this is more suitable for 曾志偉. And wht about Charlie and where's the factory???




天南地北,講起迪士尼。天真夢想的背後是甚麼??? 老是覺得,糖衣揭破那刻,不是你我承受得起。雖刻下萬眾期待得甚至要作曲贈興,但可能只是你未記起sunny bay原本喚作陰澳,也未想過即使唐老鴨在帶笑揮手,戲服內那員工其實可能很累、很傷心。








* * *


* * *



As time goes by

Attended Angel and Gary's wedding tonight. I was looking forward for this as I know both and groom and the bride. It was also great to get together again with my o'camp groupmates Barbie and Dickson (and his fiancee) again, and being nostalgic about our days as freshmen.

It was a very special moment when the couple stepped into the banquet room and passed by our table. I just couldn't describe how I feel. It was beyond words.

On my way home in the MTR station I bumped into Jeffrey, my primary schoolmate. We were so close when we were small that I always went to his place to play that Nintendo. He would fly to California for his second Masters degree next week.

Would have to go to Foshan again tomorrow. Back last night and take off tomorrow noon. This is such an intense weekend and it seemed every little thing triggered my feelings. The songs I heard, the people I met, the things I saw, all touched me.

Maybe that's because I had been out of town for some time.

Every single day was a new day in the past month. Life was so rigorous and busy. And work had been simply a disaster.


The next station is University (heading to Tsim Sha Tsui East)






Merry couples

Some friends around me are getting married recently, at my age and some even younger. This is such a happy thing.


Notes of the day

1. 今日響太子大廈見到2R,佢地坐定定所以睇得好清楚。原來幾靚。
2. Beck!!! Black Eyed Peas!!! New on my wish list.
3. 忍唔住拎左都市日報,好後悔。實在係太唔環保,要繼續杯葛,期望有朝有人和應。


random thoughts on the Euro Champ Finals



下半場利記竟然可以一鼓作氣連追三球贏埋,好明顯係領隊功勞。論球員實力個人認為AC真係大勝,尤其中前場粒粒皆星,仲要唔係賣波衫多果隻星,技術同"soccer IQ"都很高。反觀利記前場要倚重無乜幾可追到個波既巴路士,後防又唔太穩健,陰功。但係佢地落後咁多仍然好有鬥志,AC班友就響度唔知做乜Q野,平白斷送優勢。呢個情況近年已經多番發生,領隊實在責無旁貸。而且賓尼迪斯當初大膽引入幾個西班牙球員現在收成正果,安察洛堤真係俾佢out-coach左。





Been studying in the Central Library this afternoon mainly for Jean-Jacques Sempe. Couldn't help wearing a smile in the exhibition hall. Please remember to have a look and enjoy the humour before 30/5.

My wrath

1. If Donald Tsang is to step up as the new Chief Executive, the first thing he should do is to stop producing those stupid Basic Law clips that brainwash people during commercial breaks. Who cares about the Basic Law??? And what is the more important matter - the NPC interpretations or a kid stealing his sister's song for Mama??? This is so fucking ridiculous. It's a complete waste of taxpayers' money.

2. It seems people don't understand the concept of a queue. It is almost impossible to get on an MTR or a tram at peak hours if you are the polite guy and not willing to push your way through the crowd. And even if you are in a line, the person behind you would always be trying to take over. Maybe councillors in LegCo should pass a law to imprison those line-jumpers rather than debating over negligible issues like whether it is necessary to hoist a 5-star flag in every single school.


I discovered something

I hate to say this but it's just so weird. I saw this Michael Buble guy in a tv commercial (of his #1 album) and from that shot angle he looked exactly like Incrediboy (aka Syndrome when grown up).

My apologies to all MB fans out there.



I was chatting with a friend overseas on MSN one day. He told me he's coming back to Hong Kong soon and would look for a job. He asked me to keep an eye on the recruiting ads and see if there are suitable vacancies for him. He wanted to do something related to music. I was really excited and told him I long for meeting him again here later.

I scanned through a Classified Post and did find some right ads for my friend. Then I was having a drink in a pub. Suddenly a man yelled from the bar that he needed a musician to perform in the place, and asked if anybody was interested in the job. People around me started seriously thinking about it, so I quickly raise my arm and responded like a student to a teacher in class. I told him my friend was a talented musician and would be a perfect fit for the job. I spoke in English all the way with a very heavy accent, I don't know why.

The pub owner looked persuaded. Then I asked for his number and I told him I would ask my friend to contact him when he is back. He then gave me his business card. It looked very old with all the details had faded except that guy's name which was hand-written. I gave a close look at the card and found his number was still visible. So I was okay with that.

I chitchatted with the guy after that. He told me the pub was only his side business and his real interest was travelling and hiking. We were then in the travel gear store he owned. I was pretty amazed by the wide selection of gears there.

I woke up from this weird dream and found it was already 12:30pm while I wanted to get up around 9. I felt like a loser.



讓我此始戀 多一次吧 恨透苦 苦 的把你牽gwa-ah
回來吧 流浪fa 讓我再有意思 好嗎
從禁世上實在不需要餓吧 若再不可擁抱 倒neigh
回來吧 狂雨灑 灑不去心中牽掛

This is such a classic.



The Bulls were eliminated. They are just inexperienced. Sigh sigh sigh......... anyway the winner faces Miami now and a sweep is waiting to happen.

Facing Seattle now the Spurs is clearly on the way to the Conference Finals. This team has been a championship contender since it had drafted Tim Duncan. How could it be so consistent???


The eternal moment



與你約錯終點 命運都改編
我愛你快了一點 你發現慢了點
某天我吻過你腮邊 連情節也擾亂
最好全部記憶收起 終會淡忘你的臉

如果盛世之戀 到日落時就結束
開遍全城燈火 照亮了天際

鐘錶摔破 窗簾緊閉著
時間會不會暫停 停在夜半三點

與你約錯終點 命運都改編
我愛你快了一點 你發現慢了點
也許我怕錯過今天 人潮將彼此蓋掩
永遠擦過你身邊 碰上仍遇不見

如果盛世之戀 到日落時就結束
開遍全城燈火 照亮了天際

鐘錶摔破 窗簾緊閉著
時間會不會暫停 能讓我未做的做完

也許你我會分開 共度著一生
於靜默地鐵 於寂寞路邊
當你我錯過今天 人潮將彼此蓋掩

仍期望有生一天 跟你有緣吻一遍

與你約錯終點 再邂逅是哪天



Had a superb time with my buddies last night to celebrate D's graduation from medical school. We first had dinner and then spent the whole night in a game centre. I haven't been to one for long and we just spent time in nearly every single thing.

We ended up at Lo's place again after that. My teenage once more.

Lo's place has been like our second home since maybe 10 years ago. We shared our feelings there. We had great meals there. We watched numerous soccer matches there. We played a lot of PS and PS2 there. We read lots of comics (and other obscene stuff)there. The best of all it has been a shelter for us when we were all tired or drunk on the street at 3am.

His family had moved several times and amazingly we just followed. I remember that he once resided in 深井 and we didn't stop going there even though it took double time for us than getting back home.

Thanks a lot Lo - and your parents.





Read this

I was just so touched. Almost in tears.

From Mingpao:


患神經纖維瘤病 無法治癒

阿薩的父親保羅說﹕「我們希望在他失明前,得到終生難忘的經歷﹔我們剛好及時做到。」阿薩出生幾個月就被診斷患有神經纖維瘤病2型(neurofibromatosis 2),這是一種4萬人才有一人患上、無法治癒的罕有病症。患者通常長大至少年時才發病,而阿薩已自眼部切除了3個腫瘤,並有一隻耳失聰。在阿薩快將完全失明前,他的父親在過去5個半月內帶?愛兒周遊列國,讓他把遊歷過的世界奇觀美景,永遠留在腦海中。





遊畢5個月 視力衰退漸盲




Opinions on this story are meaningless. Feel it without words.


One of my relatives is now in terminal illness. They say when you grow up, people around you start to get old then die.



Watched this production alone tonight and had some surprises.

I was somehow anxious before the show because I knew I was expecting something from it. Wong Ka Kui's music has been bringing an overwhelming influence on my generation - at least on many people I know. We have been playing his songs again and again and we still sing them in Neway and California Red. It is so deep in our lives.

While I must say I have prejudice on young local theatres. I was worrying if the play would turn out to be something nobody has a clue about and worse a disgrace to Ka Kui.

After the show I liked the crew more than the production itself. To be honest I didn't really like the story or the performance but what really impressed me were the way they conveyed their ideas and their passion for the show.

I am happy because I could feel they really love the music and that they were realizing their dreams by making the production come true.


Destination Finals

NBA Playoffs 2005. Heartbreaking that the Mavs and the Rockets meet righyt at start. I wished the Rockets would face the slumping and centre-less Seattle so that they could have swept them for sure.

Actually the Rockets is yet like a 雜排軍 though they have been playing pretty effective basketball since the all-star break. Personally I think they lack something as a team. They need some more time and roster change to become a championship contender despite they are already on the right track.

The Mavs are so loaded with different types of offensive power. I really wish they would reach the finals this year. It's time.

It's a shame that Curry and Deng are out of the Bulls playoff roster due to injury. Hinrich we count on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thoughts on rallies

Anti-japanese rallies are here and there in China these days, and now people march on even in this city despite that we didn't lose our cool.

Shame on the rightist Japanese that attempted to cover up the truth of Nanking Massacre. However throwing stones, damaging Japanese restaurants or spitting on Toyotas are not doing any good on this issue either.

People yelling "boycott Jap products" didn't forget to take pictures with their Sony Cybershots. What is behind this sudden and schizophrenic patriotism??? Mingpao inspired me today - when you finally have the chance to do something outrageous, you'd do it no matter what.

We are lucky that here the protestors stayed calm even when they passed by Sogo where loads of people are doing their shopping. May God bless this little piece of land.


Work was disastrous today.


Pope John Paul II

I couldn't have a clear view of how the world would be when the new Pope steps up.

Probably because that I had speny 6 years in a Catholic school, I always think the Pope is the one on earth that is closest to God. He is also probably the most influential figure across human races and continents.

Love and peace. We must treasure these forever.


film festival

Watched my one and only film in the 2005 festival "Earth and Ashes" with H last night. I must say I am not artistic enough to appreciate this kind of movie though I couldn't help sinking into my not-so-deep thoughts when leaving the theatre. I almost fell asleep during the first half of it as the movie was full of very long shots with nearly no lines.


We have our desire and hopes. What if you were born in Afghanistan where your village would be bombed any time? Think about it and maybe what bothers you in life doesn't any more.


And you know why you keep hurting one after another - it's in you.


A chill of loneliness through my veins.



Here comes the 4-day weekend.

Been to Sino with Sadie last night and then we had dinner at Langham. I was happy to hear him saying he likes teaching finally. Kids need good teachers. They are just very important as guidance during students' teenage. It needs far more than knowledge to make a good teacher.


back to school

The company annual dinner last night was fun.


Back to 63A Bonham Road this morning. It was really hard for me to get up that early. The school had changed so much that I just couldn't imagine I had been going there. Anyway I don't really care. Despite that I looked for Mrs Yung and had a chat with her. She is the teacher I respect most.

Met Yeung and Ah Mat and some other old schoolmates. When you see the people you grow up with are pursuing such diverging paths in their lives you just couldn't help......... contemplate and contemplate and contemplate.

In need of energy and vision. A lot of.



Batistuta retires. I would miss him.

To me he was an icon of masculinity even in the realm of men's soccer. Whenever on the pitch, he had always been the most powerful and influencial player. Though from Argentina he was not the super agile type of typical South American players. Instead he made himself unstoppable by knocking down defenders with his body and shooting the ball as if firing a cannon.

It was the first time I watched a soccer match in a bar when I witnessed his hat-trick in Argentina's 5-0 win against Jamaica in World Cup 1998. Then in 2002 it broke my heart when his team was eliminated by Becks' penalty kick.

I just couldn't think of somebody comparable to him. Maybe Sheva is close.


A pic


原來曾蔭權曾蔭培仲有個妹係渣打director。Their parents must be the smartest couple in the last 50 years.


New era for the city

Tung finally stepped down. Wrong time again though. Anyway it should be a relief for him after 7 pathetic years - finally he was all smiles at the end of the press conference.

Taking up a responsibility that requires more than your utmost ability is such a big mistake. The job is even harder when you are in a place where the smartest people are never politicians nor government officials. Maybe that's the reason for the only thing he could do was to work long hours.

Anyway being the chief of 7 million people is a once in a billion experience. Looking back, it was something really. Lucky him.



Played some beatmania. I think Konami had already stopped developing this series and it's hard to find one machine in arcade games centres now. The music series were once so popular but now they are all substituted by the save card type of games.


Heard that dressed like a Japanese is out and girls should dress like ABCs. Skinny ladies in sexy tops and hotpants that keep saying their favorite hobby is clubbing. Yuck yuck yuck.


Staying inactive is harder than being active. How true. Indeed.



I somehow remembered that I had a guestbook for my previous pages. Viewed that again today and found that it has been ages sinced I opened it.

The latest entry was nice. I didn't know how that guy found the page and leave the message at that time when I didn't have the link posted anywhere.

I once cared about this guestbook very much.



Training sessions are meant for making people sleep.
Wonderful time at the CD store with V after that.
And the karaoke.


台灣的唱片界奇葩成日同d外國歌星同樂隊改d十分無敵的中文名,大大隻印落cd封套,超得。猶記得當年oasis係「綠洲合唱團」。期待kings of convenience,如果譯「方便之王」,即買。



Spent today with some kids in the company community service project. Being with them rejuvenated me while also made me think a lot. I don't understand why they are so obsessed with online games and McDonalds. Anyway I was one of this type. But we were all the same while today some could only stick with their games and televisions and at the same time some attend interest classes every day and go travel every year.


Been to Mongkok often recently. Rediscovered Sino Centre in which I found a nice DVD store. They even have Buster Keaton movies. I bought some FF and Pet Shop Boys.


They say if Donald Tsang is taking up the Chief Executive post he would probably abandon the existing plans and switch back to English teaching. If that is going to the case please make him Chief Executive.


We keep saying Hongkong is an international city and it's obviously crap. Please stop those self-assuring nonsense like analyzing the viewpoints on our local issues from other countries. I don't think they'd care about our stuff.

You could tell the answer from one single thing. When artists tour around the world they rarely stop Hongkong but Tokyo and Singapore almost every time.






詞 陳昇 曲 楊騰佑

有時候我會欺瞞我自己 或者迷失在無謂的歡娛遊戲中
有天我老去 在個陌生的地方

其實我也經常討厭我自己 或者我怪罪我生存的時代
努力的找理由 解釋男人的驛動

我聽說男人是用土做的 身子裡少了塊骨頭
他們用腦子來思考 有顆飄移的心
妳知道男人是大一點的孩子 永遠都管不了自己
張著眼睛來說謊 也心慌的哭泣
面對著不言不語的臉孔 誰也不知道男人是怎麼了

漫漫的旅程路途還遙遠 偶而也懷疑自己是否該向前
慾望的門已開 夢的草原沒有盡頭

你知道男人是用土做的 掉眼淚就融化一些
所以是殘缺的軀體 沒有絕對完美
你知道男人是大一點的孩子 永遠都管不了自己
張著眼睛來說謊 也心慌的哭泣
面對著不言不語的臉孔 誰也不知道男人是怎麼了

沒有玩具的孩子最落寞 可是沒有夢的男人是什麼
慾望的門已開 夢的草原沒有盡頭

Wine, Woman and War 是男人的最愛

漫漫的旅程終點在哪裡 偶而也懷疑自己是否該向前
慾望的門已開 夢的草原沒有盡頭


Choose life

The very first line in Trainspotting.

I like hanging out with my aunt. Last time when she came back I remember she once said this - 'Now we don't have much to choose from though we have a seemingly better living standard. If not Park'n Shop then Wellcome. If not Watsons then Mannings. And you say we have something to choose from?'

I kept thinking about this recently.

When Internal Affairs ruled, most of the locally produced movies were about undercovers. And now everything is about Kung Fu. When singers start getting popular, people make them in every single event and TV shows/produce several albums (with very few songs) within a short time/make them cover other singers' songs.

After some time we are all fed up with those and then they would be dumped and new stuff come out. This kind of cycle is getting shorter because everybody wants to benefit from the new idea and pushes really hard at the same time.

A very good example is Leo Ku. His hit songs were obviously overrated and 'over-played' by the media. Let's see when he would be used up.


When you could see something from the blind spots - you make history.


After all these years

Bumped into my secondary school music teacher Ms Fung on a bus today and we chit-chatted some. She was bringing his son to a violin class. When I joked that she should teach him herself she told me she only plays the piano. Well I didn't know that.

I could remember vividly it was also her first year at my school when I was a S.1 kid. She was arguably the best-looking teacher then and was just like an angel to us. I was kind of happy that she recognized me today and to find her yet very attractive despite already a mother of two. How time flies.

And her kid is already playing the piano and the violin at only 6 or 7. I bet he has to spend a lot of time with computers and homework and interest classes also. Being a kid isn't any easier than an adult in this city.



I was released from office at about 9pm today and that was such a surprise that I even felt a little bit lost when I was on an MTR but not a cab on my way home. They are saying the busy times would be over for this year. At that moment I was a bit depressed as I had actually quite a fantastic time with my colleagues. I don't know how they feel about me but I think they are great. Just great. From them I know what I lack.

If I was with some people that I dislike for such a long period of time I would probably fight them.



1. Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
This is perhaps the only thing that could cheer me up midnight at office. This band had really created a whole new world. With only little lyrics for each track (and some are even kind of meaningless) I never got bored from the album. You could see the power of their music.

2. My Happy Times - Eason Chan
Found this somewhere in my room and played it again after these years. I firmly think he would make a great comeback - because he is a guy that knows about music. Leo Ku is nowhere near. I couldn't wait any longer for his new songs this year.

3. Jacky Cheung - Live
When a singer covers others' songs he has either a good voice (like Jacky Cheung) or new musical arrangements for the tracks (like Anthony Wong). However here we have covers performed by people that can't sing at all (like Sammi Cheng). Fame blinds people. And maybe it's one of the good things about Hong Kong.


I miss my bed

Working weekends is definitely pain in the ass. But I am not going to complain about anything as I am already working least hours amongst my team and I think most of the workforce in this city is suffering from long hours actually.

Currently reading:
Marquez - 100 years of solitude. Provided the time I put in reading I hope I would finish this within a year.


It's a Tuesday

I was so exhausted today and I have no idea why. Lucky that I could be off work early.

The Bulls are finally having a winning record and I really hope they would keep the streak. They are on the verge of success after all those years because after numerous transactions they have a team of young and talented players -Hinrich, Chandler, Curry, Duhon, Deng, Gordon...... and more. Great depth.

Nike Air 180 retro - I couldn't believe that. It revived my childhood materialistic wish.


I love you people more than I can say

I was with many different groups of people today. It's like I have to squeeze some time for each of them in a day because of my long working hours.

Got up at noon and had lunch with my parents. Then to HMV and checked Tao's new album. Spent an hour there and I almost danced when listening to Franz Ferdinand's tracks. Their music is so special. And I like their clothes - Dior Homme.

Then hung out with my girlfriend for some time before having dinner at a club with my parents and a great bunch of relatives (more than 30). I don't even know half of them. I never knew I am connected to so many people. It was enjoyable seeing them all though.

Had drinks with some friends after that. We got to know each other in the orientation and we spent lots of time together in our freshmen year. They didn't change at all except that we are already having jobs and pursuing different paths.

Quality time with girlfriend, friends and family all within 12 hours. Some music and reading also. Not bad.



Sometimes you don't need one.


Where's my life


今日要上班,都預左。中午同公公婆婆同佢地?街坊見左個面。公公婆婆應該會提前回加拿大,都唔知有無得同佢地飛之前食餐好。有d確切咁體會到上班族?束縛。不過又話時話,現在我?境況已經好過好多人,這幾日仲有K小姐做阿姐,靚女之餘仲好強調work-life balance,主張速閃,真係good。

Currently reading:
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. Surprised to find some of my close friends just read that as well.


Saturday Night

It's Mom's birthday today but she's suffering from a sore back. So we just had dinner with her at a restaurant nearby.

Been to a cafe in Causeway Bay to meet up with old buddies Douglas, Oldman and Jur. It's always enjoyable to be with them. It's probably because we've known each other for so long that we don't mind how any of us had changed even if we did have changed a lot. And we laughed so hard on the "Kimuchi incident". Jur is just hilarious.