

Been having a huge desire in shopping recently. Wandered around in Allied Plaza yesterday and was surprised to find there's a shop selling Abercrombie & Fitch. Spent some money and time inside and had a nice chat with the lady there. That was the first time I felt it could be quite enjoyable and profitable running a business in those mini-malls where competition seemed extremely intense.

When I was in my teenage I craved for a pair of Dr. Marten's short boots with those thin golden thread. Then they faded and faded, and now even vanished. Yet I still find them really cool with a pair of jeans. You could know me well from this I think.

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I have been repeating that I long for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the movie since the day I knew it would be made by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. I would like to apologize to my friends that went through all those. However it really surprised my that most of them seemed never heard of or read this little book. Come on it's Roald Dahl!!! And Quentin Blake!!! Aren't kids supposed to love them??? My conclusion is I have been a paranoid since I was a kid.

朱古力獎門人。I think this is more suitable for 曾志偉. And wht about Charlie and where's the factory???

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