
Sing Sing Sing!!!


該怎樣講起才好哩。總之,很享受演出的每一刻。能現場欣賞她倆本已是樂事,加上我一向喜愛的人山人海班底,整夜的音樂格調很合心意。用野花作intro和間奏的never been kissed固然是驚喜,a capella?命舞更不得了,到大開眼戒時,我想全場也在盼望那一刻可以永遠停留:那場景,那聲音,那感覺,已是經典。兩個多小時的演出,燈光和舞台效果相當簡單但效果很不錯。博覽館這給band show場地真的適合at17,紅館嘛還是給有大堆dancers圍著的舞台王者罷。


雖然不是die hard fan,但也是at17的支持者罷。由剛進大學時的始終一天起,一聽就喜歡上了。幾年來聽遍了她倆的專輯和好些live recordings,eman的靚聲、ellen的吉他、二人的和音和幕後的talents總可以營造很多窩心的片段和感覺。


若果今日踏上asia world arena的舞台是一個序幕,一個里程碑,那麼,我想at17在接下來也會轉變,不再停留在小妹妹的階段。I learnt the truth at seventeen,雖然我們這一代未成年已無所禁忌,成年後也不用立即養家,但十七歲究竟有其象徵意義。希望我多少年後,仍能帶著老婆仔女,見證她倆譜出很多片段,和一起回憶十七歲時的輕狂與美好。


I was once one of them

Back on campus in the heavy rain. Squeezing myself on the school bus, I saw a lot of happy faces. I even forgot that school started already. People were busy for orientation activities. Then I suddenly realized it was already 6 years ago when I was a freshman.


Ma-lut-los in Qingdao

Back from the Qingdao trip with D yesterday. This "chill-out" trip was a great rest for my body and mind as we were merely chitchatting and eating non-stop and never got up earlier than 11:00am. Hadn't even a sip of Qingdao Beer. It was a great place though, the architecture impressed me a lot. However the city would very likely be over-developed in the coming several years, and I wonder how would it turn out to be.

Memories and memories. I tend not to indulge.

A piece of terrible news made me very depressed today. I hope my long lost acquaintance would get through this. Though it is going to be difficult.