

終於熬過了首堆midterms。前幾日重頭戲 microeconomics,我和 johnson 讀至凌晨 5:00,睡了個多小時就要應考,他更沒有睡。

又是 free time。


1. 型爆 fight club poster

2. 上個 weekend san diego 空軍展覽


kchb rules!!!!!!

It'd be Irene's birthday tomorrow and she's going to have a party in her apartment after dinner, having all guys playing music andjamming. She told me to bring along my harmonica. It seems she's really interested in that. Well I think I shouldn't have told her that Ihad played before. Even I myself find my skills embarrassing.

So just now I had been looking for harmonica websites to get some sheet music. After some time I reached the sites of King's HarmonicaQuintet and King's College Harmonica Band, which triggered some of my memories. When I was in KCHB I think it had been the dark ageof the band. Most of my peers and I hadn't been practising much and were really poor players, with only Cheng Kin Wah having betterskills. I know that the past members were far more enthusiastic. Yet after I left, things had graually changed. Now my seniors are now the internationally recognized KHQ, and the new generation members are even grabbing championships of Asia-Pacific competitions.

It's pathetic that I couldn't have won anything for my school or shared their glory. Well, life's like that maybe. Yet Im always (secretly)proud of you guys in the band! :)



前幾日買了concert ticket,萬般期待今晚的演出。可是我到達表演場地才發現原來concert是在昨晚。



latte supreme

這個 weekend 是 international house 的 camping trip。我初時忘記了 sign up,之後很快沒位了。前幾日才知原來尚餘少量名額,但我的皮膚敏感令我對此毫無興趣。我的同房也有參加,昨日傍晚出發。我承認我是心中竊喜。不是因為他有問題,而是因為可以獨佔這 double 兩晚。可是今早迷糊地看見他回來了,原來是要做功課溫習。霎時間頗失望,因為 free night 由 2 晚變了 0 晚(因昨晚已過去了)。

剛才一個人走了出去買咖啡,真 free。



來這?已兩個星期,可算習慣了。只是恆常食 pizza,有些少望而生畏。

這兩日小腿呈皮膚敏感跡象,我懷疑是髒衣物及雜物亂放弄污了床舖所致。立即懶果斷地決定洗衫同 bed sheets,其時為昨晚凌晨十二時許。搞了很久,又凍,又要等乾衣。結果今朝唔知醒上 tutorial,幸而上唔上也無所謂。
