大家各散東西,回家的回家,旅行的旅行...... 雖然應該大半的人也會新年後再見,但這種情景,適逢佳節,是有些傷感的。我的兩個同屋也有這種感覺。久違了的共鳴。
出發了,應該 2/1/2003 回來。祝我旅途愉快也安全,你們也要 take good care,尤其是你、你、妳、妳。
Somebody has achieved big again
終於完成這個quarter的考試。microeconomics的pain in the ass指數真的極高,希望這代表我不會太快忘記。
Random thoughts
不覺到了這個 quarter 的最後上課週。進大學以後,上課不似中學時那般固定的一堆同學幾個老師相濡以沫;而是lecture tuto 萍水相逢貨如輪轉。每個學期完結之時,人人魚貫走出課室趕往刨書,我總是兀自有些依依不捨。但大家其實根本毫不熟絡,很可能就此老死不相往來。關係原來似有還無。到底有股淡淡的哀愁。
聖誕節又到,這裡的百貨公司也甚有氣氛。不知怎的兩者總有一些關係。還有那些nat king cole腔的聖誕歌,我一聽見就會感到有股莫名的感動與寂寞。
pet shop boys
聖誕節又到,這裡的百貨公司也甚有氣氛。不知怎的兩者總有一些關係。還有那些nat king cole腔的聖誕歌,我一聽見就會感到有股莫名的感動與寂寞。
pet shop boys
thoughts of a groupdad
近來開始有些 homesick。不是想見這個那個或回家吃飯,而是想見証和參與所發生的事。崇基不少活動也進行得如火如荼,看那些網頁和 video clip,不期然懷念新宿,o'camp,繼而勾起不少在中大的回憶。真想回去看看。
這種情緒慢慢地延伸,令我加倍留意香港的事。上網時也常去看新聞,各 society 的網頁,朋友的webpages。此近還遠的。
前日 margo 生日,我打電話給她,她開心得很,反過來感染了我。不久後就知道她參加 case competition 拿了 best presenter,真有兩下子。想起來,我的仔仔女女很多也做了船王,甚麼甚麼得主或活躍分子。一直以來我也很喜歡和比我小一年的同學們交往,我也會毫無保留地把我所知的告知他們。我常覺得我不能令我的師弟師妹重踏那些自己因缺乏指引而走錯了的路。所以,我承認我曾想過將來教書。讀中學時,我對這種職業抗拒得很。我敬重教師,但我想如果我成為了其中一員,我會看不起自己。現在每當我腦海呈現自己將來對著一班學生的畫面,也會心中一凜。狹窄的生活圈子、千篇一律的工作、差勁的教育制度、看著學生各有發展而自己原地踏步;這是我的偏見,但我真的接受不了。
剛才 apartment 外出現了幾隻 racoon 走來吃那個放在屋外的 halloween pumpkin,很可愛。我們幾個不同國籍男子齊齊跑去看,亦極為惹笑。
這種情緒慢慢地延伸,令我加倍留意香港的事。上網時也常去看新聞,各 society 的網頁,朋友的webpages。此近還遠的。
前日 margo 生日,我打電話給她,她開心得很,反過來感染了我。不久後就知道她參加 case competition 拿了 best presenter,真有兩下子。想起來,我的仔仔女女很多也做了船王,甚麼甚麼得主或活躍分子。一直以來我也很喜歡和比我小一年的同學們交往,我也會毫無保留地把我所知的告知他們。我常覺得我不能令我的師弟師妹重踏那些自己因缺乏指引而走錯了的路。所以,我承認我曾想過將來教書。讀中學時,我對這種職業抗拒得很。我敬重教師,但我想如果我成為了其中一員,我會看不起自己。現在每當我腦海呈現自己將來對著一班學生的畫面,也會心中一凜。狹窄的生活圈子、千篇一律的工作、差勁的教育制度、看著學生各有發展而自己原地踏步;這是我的偏見,但我真的接受不了。
剛才 apartment 外出現了幾隻 racoon 走來吃那個放在屋外的 halloween pumpkin,很可愛。我們幾個不同國籍男子齊齊跑去看,亦極為惹笑。
終於熬過了首堆midterms。前幾日重頭戲 microeconomics,我和 johnson 讀至凌晨 5:00,睡了個多小時就要應考,他更沒有睡。
又是 free time。
1. 型爆 fight club poster

2. 上個 weekend san diego 空軍展覽

又是 free time。
1. 型爆 fight club poster

2. 上個 weekend san diego 空軍展覽

kchb rules!!!!!!
It'd be Irene's birthday tomorrow and she's going to have a party in her apartment after dinner, having all guys playing music andjamming. She told me to bring along my harmonica. It seems she's really interested in that. Well I think I shouldn't have told her that Ihad played before. Even I myself find my skills embarrassing.
So just now I had been looking for harmonica websites to get some sheet music. After some time I reached the sites of King's HarmonicaQuintet and King's College Harmonica Band, which triggered some of my memories. When I was in KCHB I think it had been the dark ageof the band. Most of my peers and I hadn't been practising much and were really poor players, with only Cheng Kin Wah having betterskills. I know that the past members were far more enthusiastic. Yet after I left, things had graually changed. Now my seniors are now the internationally recognized KHQ, and the new generation members are even grabbing championships of Asia-Pacific competitions.
It's pathetic that I couldn't have won anything for my school or shared their glory. Well, life's like that maybe. Yet Im always (secretly)proud of you guys in the band! :)
So just now I had been looking for harmonica websites to get some sheet music. After some time I reached the sites of King's HarmonicaQuintet and King's College Harmonica Band, which triggered some of my memories. When I was in KCHB I think it had been the dark ageof the band. Most of my peers and I hadn't been practising much and were really poor players, with only Cheng Kin Wah having betterskills. I know that the past members were far more enthusiastic. Yet after I left, things had graually changed. Now my seniors are now the internationally recognized KHQ, and the new generation members are even grabbing championships of Asia-Pacific competitions.
It's pathetic that I couldn't have won anything for my school or shared their glory. Well, life's like that maybe. Yet Im always (secretly)proud of you guys in the band! :)
latte supreme
這個 weekend 是 international house 的 camping trip。我初時忘記了 sign up,之後很快沒位了。前幾日才知原來尚餘少量名額,但我的皮膚敏感令我對此毫無興趣。我的同房也有參加,昨日傍晚出發。我承認我是心中竊喜。不是因為他有問題,而是因為可以獨佔這 double 兩晚。可是今早迷糊地看見他回來了,原來是要做功課溫習。霎時間頗失望,因為 free night 由 2 晚變了 0 晚(因昨晚已過去了)。
剛才一個人走了出去買咖啡,真 free。
剛才一個人走了出去買咖啡,真 free。
來這?已兩個星期,可算習慣了。只是恆常食 pizza,有些少望而生畏。
這兩日小腿呈皮膚敏感跡象,我懷疑是髒衣物及雜物亂放弄污了床舖所致。立即懶果斷地決定洗衫同 bed sheets,其時為昨晚凌晨十二時許。搞了很久,又凍,又要等乾衣。結果今朝唔知醒上 tutorial,幸而上唔上也無所謂。
這兩日小腿呈皮膚敏感跡象,我懷疑是髒衣物及雜物亂放弄污了床舖所致。立即懶果斷地決定洗衫同 bed sheets,其時為昨晚凌晨十二時許。搞了很久,又凍,又要等乾衣。結果今朝唔知醒上 tutorial,幸而上唔上也無所謂。
my day
It's my 21st birthday today.
I have been at home last few days. Had dinner with my family and my grandparents. I could feel they cared about me so much. I think Iwill never deny how important are they to me.
Today is full of surprises. Had dinner with my girlfriend and got a funny present from her. Then my jongmates prepared a cake(comprising slices from various flavors) for me in a restaurant. I am so grateful when they are all so busy with projects and examinations.Even I myself have not much mood to celebrate, not to mention them. They are just so nice.
Then when I got back to my hall someone knocked on the door and handed me a gift. That was so lovely. I was even more surprisedwhen then I found on the floor a birthday card, which was from a friend who sent that through the door gap. I will not forget also all the'Happy Birthday' wishes, the phone calls, the phone messages, icq messages and those in my guestbook. Ya and also the e-cards thing, Igot one from my family today too, thanks! And the long distant call from Joe, who unveiled my secret. Ah~!
Ah yes, I must tell you all that I deliberately online last night in order to receive happy birthday messages (huh!), and I got a whole lot.Thanks all. But it was about already 2 am when I found I was in the invisible mode. I think maybe some of you would get mad when yousuddenly find my name popped up in your list sending thank you message to you. Sorry about that haha.
It was so warm to be with you all and to receive your wishes. Indeed it was a happy time when everything seemed so screwed up to methese days.
Got an e-mail from Heidi today, and had really some feelings after reading that. I think she's now really having a goal and knows clearlywhat she wants. Though I now maintain far less contact with her than in the past, I can clearly see that she's now on the way to be abetter person. No, I should say to be a really good person that deserve respect and appreciation. Well, it seems that I understood a bitabout myself from her story. It's hard to say what it is, yet now what I have to do is to look forward.
Sigh, though maybe I am on the wrong way.
P.S. This passage was supposed to be in Chinese but my PC went dead of a sudden with the file unsaved, so I gave up.
I have been at home last few days. Had dinner with my family and my grandparents. I could feel they cared about me so much. I think Iwill never deny how important are they to me.
Today is full of surprises. Had dinner with my girlfriend and got a funny present from her. Then my jongmates prepared a cake(comprising slices from various flavors) for me in a restaurant. I am so grateful when they are all so busy with projects and examinations.Even I myself have not much mood to celebrate, not to mention them. They are just so nice.
Then when I got back to my hall someone knocked on the door and handed me a gift. That was so lovely. I was even more surprisedwhen then I found on the floor a birthday card, which was from a friend who sent that through the door gap. I will not forget also all the'Happy Birthday' wishes, the phone calls, the phone messages, icq messages and those in my guestbook. Ya and also the e-cards thing, Igot one from my family today too, thanks! And the long distant call from Joe, who unveiled my secret. Ah~!
Ah yes, I must tell you all that I deliberately online last night in order to receive happy birthday messages (huh!), and I got a whole lot.Thanks all. But it was about already 2 am when I found I was in the invisible mode. I think maybe some of you would get mad when yousuddenly find my name popped up in your list sending thank you message to you. Sorry about that haha.
It was so warm to be with you all and to receive your wishes. Indeed it was a happy time when everything seemed so screwed up to methese days.
Got an e-mail from Heidi today, and had really some feelings after reading that. I think she's now really having a goal and knows clearlywhat she wants. Though I now maintain far less contact with her than in the past, I can clearly see that she's now on the way to be abetter person. No, I should say to be a really good person that deserve respect and appreciation. Well, it seems that I understood a bitabout myself from her story. It's hard to say what it is, yet now what I have to do is to look forward.
Sigh, though maybe I am on the wrong way.
P.S. This passage was supposed to be in Chinese but my PC went dead of a sudden with the file unsaved, so I gave up.
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